Sunday, January 8, 2012


Good Morning everyone ! Or good afternoon for some of my friends.
I had loads of fun yesterday with all my friends at the dog park. lots of dirt holes to dig in and roll around in. Dad had a hard time taking pictures of me running around at the park so he took lots and lots of video! 

Check it out!

Here is a clip of me and my fellow Malamute. He's fun to play with I loved jumping at his face to give him kisses.

Here is a video of me and my new friend Darcy!  We played all day until the sky was dark. My brother Taj likes to check up on me once and a while to make sure none of the big dogs pick on me... but I can handle my own =)

And last but not least here's the clip of Darcy and I rolling in the dirt hole together!

1 comment:

  1. That looked like fun my pal. The malamute rilly looked like he wanted to join in but was too slow to catch up wiv you.
