Saturday, January 7, 2012

Running Around The Town . . .

Hey guys!  So we had an early morning and it was a busy one too!  We made an early trip to the toy shop and mom and dad picked me up a few things!

this is a picture of me trying to say hi to another pup in the next toy aisle. 

I LOVE the toy store!  There are so many other pups running around with their humans. And there are so many toys! Toys everywhere!! 

So I got carried away with the digging and destroyed my bed last week.... but it was so worth it!

Mom and dad can't resist my kisses so they got me a brand new bed!! yay!

And I must say my new bed is perfect for naps.
I got so many new squeaky toys and tennis balls, and even a talking monkey! But my favorite thing of all was my new sweater!

Because now daddy and i can be twins! 

1 comment:

  1. Lookin sooper comfy in your new bed and sooper smart in your new jumper. Woof
